Thursday, December 17, 2009
reading blog 12/13 and 14/09
Alex has just is taking some training in sky diving. After they went up the hanger, they flew about a mile then there was a drop zone. Then a red light came on, then the red light was flashing, then it turned green and the door opened. The assistant pilot leaned back from the cockpit and told them that this was the drop zone. Two out of the 3 teams went out at one time. Wolf, the guy who is trying to get Alex out of the agency, looked more scared than everyone else. Alex was the only one who didn't get to jump because he was the person to spy on the person who killed his father, Yansen umazaky. And he also got equipment for the misson
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
reding blog 12/15/09 Stormbreaker
Alex is spying on yansen by disguising himself as Felix,yansens lawyer, to get better info from yansen. The bad part about his mission, is that yansen is on vacation for a month! so he has to live as Felix until further notis.When Alex was walking around the building when he stumbled into a room with a HUGE machine in it.suddenly,a security guard fired his gun, and then everything went black.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Stormbreaker - for reading log due 11/3
Reading time: 30 minutes 11/2
Alex Rider has woken up amazed that he is alive. Then he realized he wasn't in a hospital. He was in a huge building in London. Then a person walked in named Mr. Clayton and told him about Ian Rider. When Alex Rider relaized that his unlce was a secret agent, he was suprised. he never thought that he had anything that secret. In fact, Alex did not even know he had any secrets at all. Then Mr. Clayton told him this -- your father was England and America's top spy and on the top team at the highest rank. When he was driving he was shot but we don't know who shot him. The person who assasinated him was either from China or Russia. To keep this agency secret, we had to take his car, fill up the bulletholes with glass and then put it in the busiest highway possible right next to another wrecked car. This was the only way we could keep our agency secret.
Mr. Clayton went into his office while the nurses went to treat Alex with some pain medicine because his chest was still hurting. When Mr. Clayton walked into his office, he was conferencing with the leader. He asked her if he could be in the team. She said yes. Mr. Clayton walked back into the room and asked Alex if he wanted to join the team. It took him about 2 hours to think about it. Then when mr. Clayton walked back in he told him no, but then Mr. Clayton told him that he was going to have one of the top spies as a legal guardian. but then Alex thought if my legal guarding is going to be an agent then I should be one too, so he ended up joining. Mr. Clayton told him that his training will begin in 10 days and last 10 days.
Alex Rider has woken up amazed that he is alive. Then he realized he wasn't in a hospital. He was in a huge building in London. Then a person walked in named Mr. Clayton and told him about Ian Rider. When Alex Rider relaized that his unlce was a secret agent, he was suprised. he never thought that he had anything that secret. In fact, Alex did not even know he had any secrets at all. Then Mr. Clayton told him this -- your father was England and America's top spy and on the top team at the highest rank. When he was driving he was shot but we don't know who shot him. The person who assasinated him was either from China or Russia. To keep this agency secret, we had to take his car, fill up the bulletholes with glass and then put it in the busiest highway possible right next to another wrecked car. This was the only way we could keep our agency secret.
Mr. Clayton went into his office while the nurses went to treat Alex with some pain medicine because his chest was still hurting. When Mr. Clayton walked into his office, he was conferencing with the leader. He asked her if he could be in the team. She said yes. Mr. Clayton walked back into the room and asked Alex if he wanted to join the team. It took him about 2 hours to think about it. Then when mr. Clayton walked back in he told him no, but then Mr. Clayton told him that he was going to have one of the top spies as a legal guardian. but then Alex thought if my legal guarding is going to be an agent then I should be one too, so he ended up joining. Mr. Clayton told him that his training will begin in 10 days and last 10 days.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Stormbreaker - for reading log due 11/3
Reading time: 20 minutes
Alex has just escaped the junk yard, though he got his leg cut up pretty bad when he was escaping the car. Now, he is in this office, he does not know how he got there. He woke up there, and there is this man who is explaining about Ian's will. They were in room 1505 and Ian's room was the room right next to them, 1504. When they walked outside, he recognized the outside of the office and he asked him if he could go in. He said, NO. He explained that he did not have the key or he didn't even have a clue what was in there. When they went back into the room 1505, Mr. Shwatsky was about to read Ian's will, then the phone rang. He told Alex that he had to go down to the lobby for a metting. He said that he would be back in about 5 minutes.
Alex had looked through the window outside of the door in 1504. He realized that both rooms had a window in the back of it. He looked out the windwo from the room that he was in and he saw that there was a flagpole between both of the rooms. He got outside onto the window frame and jumped, grabbed onto the flagpole, and swung right into Ian Rider's room and fortunately the window was open. When he got in there, he started going through the files and then he saw a strange one. It was called Stormbreaker. Right when he was abuiot to open it, these 2 people came in, Mr. Shwatsky and another large man walked into the room. He saw that the large man had a gun in his hand. He asked Mr. Shwatsky what was going on and he told him nothing. Then, the large man pointed the gun right at his heart and he heard a huge crack. Then he felt something pounding right against where his heart was.
Alex has just escaped the junk yard, though he got his leg cut up pretty bad when he was escaping the car. Now, he is in this office, he does not know how he got there. He woke up there, and there is this man who is explaining about Ian's will. They were in room 1505 and Ian's room was the room right next to them, 1504. When they walked outside, he recognized the outside of the office and he asked him if he could go in. He said, NO. He explained that he did not have the key or he didn't even have a clue what was in there. When they went back into the room 1505, Mr. Shwatsky was about to read Ian's will, then the phone rang. He told Alex that he had to go down to the lobby for a metting. He said that he would be back in about 5 minutes.
Alex had looked through the window outside of the door in 1504. He realized that both rooms had a window in the back of it. He looked out the windwo from the room that he was in and he saw that there was a flagpole between both of the rooms. He got outside onto the window frame and jumped, grabbed onto the flagpole, and swung right into Ian Rider's room and fortunately the window was open. When he got in there, he started going through the files and then he saw a strange one. It was called Stormbreaker. Right when he was abuiot to open it, these 2 people came in, Mr. Shwatsky and another large man walked into the room. He saw that the large man had a gun in his hand. He asked Mr. Shwatsky what was going on and he told him nothing. Then, the large man pointed the gun right at his heart and he heard a huge crack. Then he felt something pounding right against where his heart was.
Stormbreaker - for reading log due 11/3
Reading time: 20 minutes 11/1
Alex Rider is wondering why is uncle, Ian Rider, has died. He died in a car crash and the police say that he did not have his seatbelt on. Now that is wrong. His uncle is always telling him to put his seatbelt on even when he has it on. He is always a very careful man. And also there are bulletholes in the windshield that prove them wrong. After his uncle had died, they sent him to a school in England. Even when he got there he was still thinking about why his uncle died. And the more and more that he thought about it, the less he believed what the police said.
Then he realized a teacher had asked him a question. He didn't know what it was so he quickly examined the board and said, "X is 7 and Y 14", and then his teacher said, "yes, you are absolutely correct, but all I did is ask you to open the window". He managed to get through the day with all the stuff being done right.
He looked through the secretary's office window and he saw there was a phonebook on his desk and then this shot into his mind -- usually there is a car junk yard listed in the phone book. So he went into the secretary's office and grabbed. The secretary wanted to know what he was doing and asked if it was a class project. Alex Rider said, yeah sort of. He called the number to ask where it is and then he went there the next day. He saw the car that Ian Rider had died in. So he jumped in there and then he saw that the seatbelt was still attached so that means that he was either A) shot or B) he crashed but he did not come out of the windshield, or C) he crashed but he did not come out, because since he was coming home from the store one of the shopping bags full of food probably went straight through the window.
Then he started hearing all these weird sounds. It sounded like metal bent. Then he saw these 3 huge arms coming to crush the car.
Alex Rider is wondering why is uncle, Ian Rider, has died. He died in a car crash and the police say that he did not have his seatbelt on. Now that is wrong. His uncle is always telling him to put his seatbelt on even when he has it on. He is always a very careful man. And also there are bulletholes in the windshield that prove them wrong. After his uncle had died, they sent him to a school in England. Even when he got there he was still thinking about why his uncle died. And the more and more that he thought about it, the less he believed what the police said.
Then he realized a teacher had asked him a question. He didn't know what it was so he quickly examined the board and said, "X is 7 and Y 14", and then his teacher said, "yes, you are absolutely correct, but all I did is ask you to open the window". He managed to get through the day with all the stuff being done right.
He looked through the secretary's office window and he saw there was a phonebook on his desk and then this shot into his mind -- usually there is a car junk yard listed in the phone book. So he went into the secretary's office and grabbed. The secretary wanted to know what he was doing and asked if it was a class project. Alex Rider said, yeah sort of. He called the number to ask where it is and then he went there the next day. He saw the car that Ian Rider had died in. So he jumped in there and then he saw that the seatbelt was still attached so that means that he was either A) shot or B) he crashed but he did not come out of the windshield, or C) he crashed but he did not come out, because since he was coming home from the store one of the shopping bags full of food probably went straight through the window.
Then he started hearing all these weird sounds. It sounded like metal bent. Then he saw these 3 huge arms coming to crush the car.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days - Reading blog due 10/20

Time read: 60 minutes 10/19
Greg is now going to the beach with his best friend Riley, but usually his family goes to the same beach but to a different spot. They go to the funnest spot next to the pier. Riley's family, The Jefferson's, they go to the spot that is like 5 miles from the beach called Quiet Cove. Greg has been asking Mr. Jefferson to go to the boardwalk because that is where all the rides are, but Mr. Jefferson says it is too noisy. The entertainment stinks with the Jefferson's. All they do is pretty much read until anytime of the day when you have to eat. So, when Greg saw the books come out, he was shocked. If you go to the beach, at least have some fun!
The games were not that good. They made up this game called "I Love You Because" and Riley's mom said, "I love you because you are smiley, silly, and always make me happy". So, every time it was Greg's turn, he passed. The other game was charades. Riley pretended he was a dog. He kept on barking and then his mom said, "a cute adorable boy", and then his dad said, "an awesome friendly kid", and then Greg just sat there and just frowned because of what was going on.
Inside the cabin, he snuck up on Mr. Jefferson to see what he was working on. He couldn't get caught though because bedtime was 7:30. When Mr. Jefferson went to go get something to eat, he snuck up on the computer and then typed an S.O.S to his mom that said, "help, help, please get me out of here. These people are driving me crazy!" When he woke up and came down for breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson didn't look too happy. It turns out that his mom responded to the email!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days - Reading due 10/21
Time REad: 120 minutes 10/17
Greg hasn't been doing much lately, so he went down in the basement at night and watched the scary movie that he found in his brother's room. When he watched it, it was just about this muddy hand thing that went around the city and strangled people and the person who sees it last was the next victim. The video wasn't that good and its graphics were pretty cheesy, but the end was the part that scared Greg the most. After it strangled its last victim, the hand crawled right up to the screen and then the screen went black! At first, Greg was a little confused, but then he realized that he was the next victim! He turned the TV off and then he called Riley and described the whole thing to him. It sounded like it wasn't that scary to Riley but it scared Greg. That night Greg didn't feel so safe in his room so he ended up sleeping in his bathtub.
When his Dad woke up and went to the bathroom, what he saw wasn't a pretty scene! So, he had to confess to his parents for watching a horror movie. Right now, Greg is more scared than the hand strangling him than what the punishment is.
Greg hasn't been doing much lately, so he went down in the basement at night and watched the scary movie that he found in his brother's room. When he watched it, it was just about this muddy hand thing that went around the city and strangled people and the person who sees it last was the next victim. The video wasn't that good and its graphics were pretty cheesy, but the end was the part that scared Greg the most. After it strangled its last victim, the hand crawled right up to the screen and then the screen went black! At first, Greg was a little confused, but then he realized that he was the next victim! He turned the TV off and then he called Riley and described the whole thing to him. It sounded like it wasn't that scary to Riley but it scared Greg. That night Greg didn't feel so safe in his room so he ended up sleeping in his bathtub.
When his Dad woke up and went to the bathroom, what he saw wasn't a pretty scene! So, he had to confess to his parents for watching a horror movie. Right now, Greg is more scared than the hand strangling him than what the punishment is.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days - Reading due 10/21
Time read: 60 minutes 10/16
Greg Hreffly is more of an inside kid because he has spent half of his summer playing video games, so to get Greg out of the house his mom took him and his little brother, Manny, to the community pool. Now, the one that they went to STINKS. Greg had to go through a shower where a whole bunch of guys had to wash themselves before they entered the pool. There are no hallways anywhere around it, so Greg and Manny had to run straight through it while Greg covered Manny's eyes and Greg had to keep his open so that he could where he was going because he did not want to bump into anyone. Manny was really curious after they got out of that because he has only been in the girls bathroom with his mom because he is 2. So, Manny was really curious. At one point, Greg had to stop Manny from washing his hands because the urinal looked like the sink to him. Greg walked out almost dead because of what he saw in that bathroom!
The next day after that, since he got his video games taken away from him because he played them so much, he asked his mom if his friend, Riley, could spend the night. His mom and Riley's mom said yes. Riley came over. Greg did not have anything to do so he asked Riley if he wanted to sneak through his brother's room again and see what he could find. They ended up finding a little key chain that said summer memories on it. They looked right into it and they saw his brother, Rodrick, with some girl in the picture. That was a huge find, but they weren't satisfied so they kept looking through his brother's drawers and they also found a horror movie that said "Hello, You're Dead" on the cover. Riley and him had to sleep in the basement and when they were just about to fall asleep they heard something that sounded like a ghost coming from the closet in the basement. They went up and told their Dad and when he looked it was one of Manny's toy dolls called Hide and Seek Harry.
This book is funny. I like the bathroom part! It was probably the funniest part of the book so far.
Greg Hreffly is more of an inside kid because he has spent half of his summer playing video games, so to get Greg out of the house his mom took him and his little brother, Manny, to the community pool. Now, the one that they went to STINKS. Greg had to go through a shower where a whole bunch of guys had to wash themselves before they entered the pool. There are no hallways anywhere around it, so Greg and Manny had to run straight through it while Greg covered Manny's eyes and Greg had to keep his open so that he could where he was going because he did not want to bump into anyone. Manny was really curious after they got out of that because he has only been in the girls bathroom with his mom because he is 2. So, Manny was really curious. At one point, Greg had to stop Manny from washing his hands because the urinal looked like the sink to him. Greg walked out almost dead because of what he saw in that bathroom!
The next day after that, since he got his video games taken away from him because he played them so much, he asked his mom if his friend, Riley, could spend the night. His mom and Riley's mom said yes. Riley came over. Greg did not have anything to do so he asked Riley if he wanted to sneak through his brother's room again and see what he could find. They ended up finding a little key chain that said summer memories on it. They looked right into it and they saw his brother, Rodrick, with some girl in the picture. That was a huge find, but they weren't satisfied so they kept looking through his brother's drawers and they also found a horror movie that said "Hello, You're Dead" on the cover. Riley and him had to sleep in the basement and when they were just about to fall asleep they heard something that sounded like a ghost coming from the closet in the basement. They went up and told their Dad and when he looked it was one of Manny's toy dolls called Hide and Seek Harry.
This book is funny. I like the bathroom part! It was probably the funniest part of the book so far.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Who Ran My Underwear Up The Flagpole 10/5 second blog -- (Reading log due 10/6)
Every year the school has a costume party, though there is a funny part about it. Everyone there is supposed to 1/3 of a grocery bag of candy. The teachers get garbage bags full of candy for rewards for students or for class parties, though when the 8th graders saw that they only showed up with just a gorilla mask on or a batman cape. So every year they only showed up with a mask on or a cape and demanded for those garbage bags of candy. So, the year after that started, the principal made a rule where you have to wear a full costume to go to the party. This year, Eddie wanted to go, but he did not have a costume. The only thing he had to wear was a superman costume for 3 year olds. He couldn't wear that now because everyone saw him wearing his superman underwear. When the dance was over, the next day he went to school, he looked up on the flagpole just like he does every morning when he walks in and he saw his superman underwear on top of the flagpole and everyone in the whole school were starting at him.
Who Ran My Underwear Up The Flagpole 10/05 -- (Reading log due 10/6)
Eddie has now joined the football team, but he is still wearing the superman underwear! He just couldn't let go of them. At football practice, he got tackled so hard that three teeth got knocked out.
I feel that Eddie should burn those underpants. He is in middle school and he is still wearing superman underpants! He needs to grow up.
I feel that Eddie should burn those underpants. He is in middle school and he is still wearing superman underpants! He needs to grow up.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Who Ran My Underwear Up the Flagpole 10/4/2009 -- (Reading blog due 10/6)
Every kid in the class knows that the meanest teacher in the school is Mr. Hollis. The school is still barely 3 weeks old, but still it doesn't take long to know that guy is mean! If you just got up to throw away a piece of paper, you would have to sign this certain contract that said you didn't throw away your schoolwork. I think that teacher is so mean. Also, if you just talked just to ask a question (and say it out loud) -- detention!
The main idea of what I read was, Mr. Hollis was so late that it was 15 minutes before gym class started, so every single kid went out to get ready for gym class then right when one kid was just about to get finished, Mr. Hollis busted in and forced them all to go into the class. The kid who still wore superman underpants forgot to put his pants back on and ran into the classroom with underwear on. When school was about to end, he asked his friend to help him save up money to finally buy some new underwear that did not have superman on them (or batman or any other super hero from comic books).
The main idea of what I read was, Mr. Hollis was so late that it was 15 minutes before gym class started, so every single kid went out to get ready for gym class then right when one kid was just about to get finished, Mr. Hollis busted in and forced them all to go into the class. The kid who still wore superman underpants forgot to put his pants back on and ran into the classroom with underwear on. When school was about to end, he asked his friend to help him save up money to finally buy some new underwear that did not have superman on them (or batman or any other super hero from comic books).
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