Monday, October 5, 2009

Who Ran My Underwear Up The Flagpole 10/5 second blog -- (Reading log due 10/6)

Every year the school has a costume party, though there is a funny part about it. Everyone there is supposed to 1/3 of a grocery bag of candy. The teachers get garbage bags full of candy for rewards for students or for class parties, though when the 8th graders saw that they only showed up with just a gorilla mask on or a batman cape. So every year they only showed up with a mask on or a cape and demanded for those garbage bags of candy. So, the year after that started, the principal made a rule where you have to wear a full costume to go to the party. This year, Eddie wanted to go, but he did not have a costume. The only thing he had to wear was a superman costume for 3 year olds. He couldn't wear that now because everyone saw him wearing his superman underwear. When the dance was over, the next day he went to school, he looked up on the flagpole just like he does every morning when he walks in and he saw his superman underwear on top of the flagpole and everyone in the whole school were starting at him.

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