Sunday, October 18, 2009

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days - Reading due 10/21

Time read: 60 minutes 10/16

Greg Hreffly is more of an inside kid because he has spent half of his summer playing video games, so to get Greg out of the house his mom took him and his little brother, Manny, to the community pool. Now, the one that they went to STINKS. Greg had to go through a shower where a whole bunch of guys had to wash themselves before they entered the pool. There are no hallways anywhere around it, so Greg and Manny had to run straight through it while Greg covered Manny's eyes and Greg had to keep his open so that he could where he was going because he did not want to bump into anyone. Manny was really curious after they got out of that because he has only been in the girls bathroom with his mom because he is 2. So, Manny was really curious. At one point, Greg had to stop Manny from washing his hands because the urinal looked like the sink to him. Greg walked out almost dead because of what he saw in that bathroom!

The next day after that, since he got his video games taken away from him because he played them so much, he asked his mom if his friend, Riley, could spend the night. His mom and Riley's mom said yes. Riley came over. Greg did not have anything to do so he asked Riley if he wanted to sneak through his brother's room again and see what he could find. They ended up finding a little key chain that said summer memories on it. They looked right into it and they saw his brother, Rodrick, with some girl in the picture. That was a huge find, but they weren't satisfied so they kept looking through his brother's drawers and they also found a horror movie that said "Hello, You're Dead" on the cover. Riley and him had to sleep in the basement and when they were just about to fall asleep they heard something that sounded like a ghost coming from the closet in the basement. They went up and told their Dad and when he looked it was one of Manny's toy dolls called Hide and Seek Harry.

This book is funny. I like the bathroom part! It was probably the funniest part of the book so far.

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